The Thanksgiving Game

The Thanksgiving Game is a sweet game for your family or small group. It really helps focus on being grateful and on getting to know each other. Louie, the man that designed it, is a friend and gives a significant portion of the proceeds to non-profit agencies (including the one where I work, in the interest of full disclosure).

The Thanksgiving Game would be a great Thanksgiving tradition for a family, Sunday School class, or other small group. Whenever one brings a new game to a family gathering; well, sometimes others are reluctant to play and you don't know how it will work yourself.

I had to cajole everyone to write down their items for which they were grateful. We did lessen the number from five to three each and that was about right for our group of 12 participants from 3 year old to the grandparents.

One of the most reluctant had a good time in the end and said that I had brought the entertainment. The 3 year old delightedly announced that it was hers whenever hers were read: easy-peasy points. Some were completely thrown off track by answers from the college crowd, but we all learned something more about our family. We also spent a little time thinking about what we have to be grateful for --- always a good thing to do.

It was well worth it! One might want to make up paper forms for the consumable ones in the game, though. They will run out.
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