New Super Mario Bros
Senin, 23 November 2009 by Handbags Boutique Online

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Fresh Super Mario Bros Review
Fresh Super Mario Bros. Wii
Fresh Super Mario Bros Features
- Mario, Luigi and two Toads are all playable characters, while many others from the Mushroom Kingdom create appearances throughout the game. Players can also ride different Yoshi characters and employ their tongues as weapons.
- Supports 2-4 players in multiplayer mode.
- Fresh Super Mario Bros. Wii offers a combination of cooperation and competition. Players can pick each other up to save them from danger or toss them into it.
- Fresh items include the propeller suit, which will shoot players high into the sky with just a shake of the Wii Remote and Mario¿s fresh ability to convert into Penguin Mario.
User Reviews about Fresh Super Mario Bros
Fantastic Game for Mario Lovers of Any Age!
Rate Given : 5 | on : 2009-11-20I didn"t buy the game from Amazon (although I originally had plotted to) because my boyfriend"s birthday was two days after the release date. This was at the top of his "wish list". He"s been playing Mario since the early 80"s and has beaten each version several times over, myself since the early 90"s and I never got further than world 3 on my Game Boy. Needless to say, he"s more of a "Gamer" than I am. But let me reveal you, I absolutely admire this game.
We acquire played it for at least a couple hours a night since his birthday and it goes by so quick. It is simple, I suppose, for someone who is really coordinated. But for people like me who would tilt to the side while playing Mario Kart on the N64 (or any game on any system before the Wii-era, really) it gives a perfect blend of consolation and contemporary touches. Same typical Mario style with some shakes and dancing turtles. The multi-player option REALLY makes the game, loads of fun for the entire family. I highly recommend this game.
DS fun on the Wii
Rate Given : 4 | on : 2009-11-20I"ve been a huge fan of Mario and pretty much anything Nintendo-related since Donkey Kong in 1981. It seems all of Nintendo"s core-system Mario offerings acquire been, for the most part, huge events and successes, with each offering being a bit different and innovative than the one before.
The one mainstay, but, has been Mario"s adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom (and beyond) were rendered mostly as single player, with Player Two only getting their crack when Mario croaked. Super Mario Galaxy became the one exception, as a moment player can assist by using their Wiimote to hold off enemies and collect star bits for you. It was an innovative, helpful, and in some cases, essential feature! My wife never seemed to care for Super Mario Galaxy, as we acquire several other multi-player games for the Wii. But, during my recent moment play-through, she started helping me and we"ve been occupy a really fantastic time.
Now, with Fresh SMB Wii, we can finally play as Mario and friends together! After playing the game for the first time last night for about an hour with our 6-year ancient daughter, we found out two things: teamwork is excellent, and running ahead collecting coins, stealing prizes and stomping turtles sending the shell flying towards other unsuspecting players is frightful. Since time is of the essence, everyone has to be on the same page!
If you"ve played Fresh Super Mario Bros for the DS, then you"ll be correct at home with the Wii version, with graphics being turned up a notch, plus fresh suits, abilities and controls meant for the Wii. While a small hard for the younger crowd, a fun game nonetheless.
Within lies my one and only complaint.
While I admire what they"ve done here, I feel like this game borrows TOO heavily from the DS version, including the same cutesy background music, which the Koopas and Goombahs and other creatures bop along and react to. I could acquire done without this aspect, but again, this was intended by Nintendo to be a family-friendly game, meant to also appease the clamoring die-hards who wanted yet another core system side-scrolling adventure. I guess after being buried playing Galaxy for the past couple weeks, I would acquire loved Nintendo employing the same graphics style, as some of the side-scrolling adventures tossed into Galaxy were awesome.
Nintendo doesn"t see back, and will no doubt continue to find fresh and innovative ways for Mario to rescue Princess Peach for the 100,000th time. While still a "fresh" Mario adventure, the DS aspect doesn"t create it feel "all fresh". But, Nintendo is saving that for future 3D open world Mario adventures, which is truly where his future lies.
Nintendo doesn"t see back, and will no doubt continue to find fresh and innovative ways for Mario to rescue Princess Peach for the 100,000th time. While still a "fresh" Mario adventure, the DS aspect doesn"t create it feel "all fresh". But, Nintendo is saving that for future 3D open world Mario adventures, which is truly where his future lies.
Fantastic to acquire you back Super Mario World
Rate Given : 5 | on : 2009-11-20I admire the ancient school video games of time past, so I was so excited to see that the Wii was going 2-D again with Super Mario. This game was worth the wait. It is extremely hard, even more when playing with two or more people. But that is what makes it so much fun. I acquire to play with my wife at the same time and not every other level(trying not to say anyhing even after she pushs me off a cliff by accident :) ). Fantastic graphics and flow with fascinating courses and gameplay. Recommend gettting the Wii Grip for the controller to create it simpler to handle.
Most Fun You"ll Acquire on Wii!
Rate Given : 5 | on : 2009-11-20I like to consider myself a pretty avid Nintendo fan yet even so, I was weary when it came to NSMBWii. But, all those fears evaporated once me and a few of my friends got our hands on this game. YOU WILL ADMIRE IT. Hard and frustrating as it may be at times, all the fun we acquire playing this game more than makes up for it. One of the greatest multiplayer gaming experiences I"ve had yet. Thank you Nintendo.
best wii game yet
Rate Given : 5 | on : 2009-11-20You"ve read the reviews, you"ve seen the commercials. They"re all right!
This game is loads of fun, and certain not to disappoint! The graphics are pretty, the controls work like they"re intended to, and the game goes out of its way to create certain newbs aren"t really lost or frustrated. Other than being the most fun Mario title to date, this right-to-its-roots 2D scroller has a few features to hold the non-hardcore-gamer from pulling their hair out:
* multi-player capability is guaranteed hilarity. most fun i"ve had in a LONG time playing a video game, even with people who are very frightful at the game. why? if you"re about to die, or can"t acquire past a particularly hard jumping sequence, you can place yourself in a "bubble" and safely float forward to join your more skilled friends. no more crying that you can"t create it past that part--as long as there"s at least one person alive and not in a bubble, you"re ok. if everyone "bubbles" or dies at the same time, you"ve got to start over. this gets to be fairly amusing when you all start bubbling and the last guy panics and bubbles, or jumps off a cliff!
* throwing people and jumping off their heads can lead to some very, very fun and competitive gameplay, or if properly done, teamwork doing these same things can create some hard unlocks or sequences much simpler.
* if you die too many times on multiplayer, you can watch a video to display you how to do the level.
* as you earn large coins, you can spend them to watch videos that display you how to find secret goals and powerups. then you don"t feel like you cheated when you search the internet for the same info, because you earned it!
* as you play through the game, you don"t acquire to always employ the same number of players. that is, if you beat 4 worlds alone and save the game, the next time you turn on the game you can pick up where you left off with 1, 2, 3, or even 4 people! if you"ve cooperatively beat most of the game with a friend, you can approach back and earn all the additional stuff you missed alone later. this game is a total win. you simply MUST buy it.
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